For this weeks assignment I started off with the base of what we had done in class. I thought it would be a good way to get me started and I can build off of that. The assignment resulted in an initial icon with a frowny face with no LED lights on. When the A button is pressed one light turns on and the face now has a neutral expression. When the B button is pressed two lights turn on. When the micro:bit is shaken all three lights turn on and the face is now smiling. When both the A and B buttons are pressed all lights turn off and the face is frowning again.
Originally, I had set the three LED's further apart on the physical micro:bit and had adjusted the code to reflect that but everything stopped working. At this point I had just added the "shake" to test out and at that point that was the only thing that seemed to work. I then reverted back to keeping the LED's side by side. When testing I had noticed that the LED's were lighting up but were very faint and when switching them out with new ones the problem was consistent. For that reason I wasn't sure if that had been the initial problem when I had my LED's spaced out and I didn't notice or if they weren't lighting up either way. I decided to just stick with how I currently had them side by side. Once I had this current set up working I decided to play around with it to make it more interesting which is how I ended up with the face who was only happy when all three LED's were lit up.