I had never previously worked with something like the micro:bit, nor been on a website like https://makecode.microbit.org/#editor so experiencing both those things for the first time I was surprised how simple they were. Or at least how simple the website made coding the micro:bit (If thats the correct terminology). Everything worked out for me until I attempted to add in a button press. I was unsure if I wasn't at first aware how exactly the button press was supposed to work. Whether you had to keep the button pressed throughout the animation or if you should only have one animation run at a time but when I pressed the "A" button the animation began then was cut off by one of the animations in the "forever category" and continued on with the second animation meant for the "A" button. When i downloaded everything to my physical micro:bit and attempted to press the "A" button, it wouldn't work at all. Besides that, everything covered in class was simple enough I was able to do it on my own and overall I think it's a pretty cool piece of technology.